Traditions, Lendas and Curiosities!!!the municipal holiday of the district headquarters is the 24 of Ju

ne. In the month of April they have place, in concelho of Braga, the Parties of the Week Saint. It is decorated city, mounts street altars and organizes processions. Braga is known as the "city of the archbishops", being normally associated to an atmosphere of great religiosidade, strengthened for the existence of innumerable places of cult and for the accomplishment of peregrinations to the Sanctuary of the Sameiro. They are still to detach the procession of the Body of God and the arraial of S. João, where people completely full the Avenue of the Freedom and the park Da Ponte. Other concelhias parties of the district of Braga are: the Parties of concelho of Guimarães - Gentleman of the Support, in May; Body of God, Ours Lady of Installation and S. Torcato, in July; the Gualterianas Parties, in the month of August; the Party of Crosses, in Barcelos, day 3 of May, being its main atracção the Great Fair; the Parties of Saint António de Amares and Green Village, in June; the Concelhias Parties (Santiago), in You land on water and of Saint the Marta of the Falperra, in the month of July; in August the prominence goes for the pilgrimage of the Lady of the Abbey, in Lands on water; the pilgrimage of S. Bento of the Open Door and the Concelhias Parties in Lands of Bouro. In S. Bartolomeu of the Sea it is become fullfilled in the month of August one known pilgrimage, that has the particularitity of in the last day if carrying through a Bath Saint, a sea bath that serves to exempt the children of several males, as the looked at gaguez and the bad one. In the month of October it is become fullfilled fair of barks, in Vieira of the Minho, that counts on a race of donkeys. One of the known fairs more of the district, celebrity for its dimension and the artesanato that it displays, is the old fair of Barcelos, that has place all the thursday. Of Barcelos one is also of the most known creations iconographic of the district, the legend of the rooster of Barcelos. It is tradition in Guimarães every year if to place a crown of flowers in the Sacred Hill, homage to king D. Alfonso Enriques. The artesanato also assumes a relief role in the tradition of the district and in its economy. Old parts in forged iron are imitated, would latoaria, ceramics, pottery (with prominence for the production of concelho of Barcelos) and would sing. Works become of would cestaria in wicker, bags in straw, articles wooden and agricultural wire, yokes, alfaias, crocas, articles of would tanoaria, bolters, bolters, cheesemakers, articles of would tamancaria, artgos of furniture, filigranas and parts of goldsmithery, violas and other musical instruments, "candles of promise" and decoration (whose maximum exponent is the "candle of Braga"), incomes and embroiderings, articles of weaving in hemp (handkerchiefs of the boyfriends), embroidered bread carpets and bags, regional blankets, blankets of burel, nets of fish, articles of would chapelaria, spotted ware by hand, cuts, arrangements with dry flowers, dolls with regional suits and articles of pyrotechnics. The industry of would paramentaria and the art works sacra constitute important artisan productions of concelho of Braga.
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